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Results 2566 - 2580 of 3073
Air Cushion Platform with Inkjet Pucks
Cat.n.: 1021623
The air cushion platform is made of matt black aluminium with a...
116 523,00 CZK
Cadmium Lamp with Accessories
Cat.n.: 1021366
For the experiment to demonstrate the normal Zeeman eff ect. The...
39 784,80 CZK
Quarter-Wavelength Filter on Stem
Cat.n.: 1021353
Retardation plate (?/4 platelet) made of plastic foil, rotatable on a...
8 421,60 CZK
Horse (Equus ferus caballus), carpal bones, specimen
Cat.n.: 1021053
Prepared, real, front horse foot up to the carpal joint. The...
Front and Hind Legs of a Horse (Equus ferus caballus),...
Cat.n.: 1021052
Real bone specimens from an adult horse. Each front leg up to and...
Horse Foot and Hoof (Equus ferus caballus), Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021051
Prepared, real, hind horse foot up to the tarsal joint. The...
10 043,00 CZK
Horse (Equus ferus caballus), spinal column + head, rigidly...
Cat.n.: 1021050
Real horse spine with cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and head....
121 713,90 CZK
Horse (Equus ferus caballus), spinal column, flexibly...
Cat.n.: 1021048
Real horse spine with cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacrum....
31 617,30 CZK
Pigeon and Pigeon Skeleton (Columba livia domestica), in...
Cat.n.: 1021040
Bone preparation of a pigeon skeleton and, for comparison, a pigeon...
23 607,10 CZK
Goose Skull (Anser anser domesticus), Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021035
Professionally prepared, real skull of an adult domestic goose with...
5 989,50 CZK
Goose skeleton (Anser anser domesticus), disarticulated
Cat.n.: 1021034
Complete and non-assembled skeleton without pre-drilling. Small bones...
18 392,00 CZK
Goose Skeleton (Anser anser domesticus), Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021033
Prepared, real skeleton of an adult domestic goose. Even the smallest...
28 193,00 CZK
Domestic Sheep Skull (Ovis aries), Male, Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021029
Skull specimen of a domestic sheep made of real bones. Typical for a...
13 310,00 CZK
Domestic Sheep Skull (Ovis aries), Female, Specimen
Cat.n.: 1021028
Skull specimen of a domestic sheep made of real bones. Typical for a...
11 325,60 CZK